Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I was very tired this past Saturday due to the long week I had. The last thing I wanted was to be stuck in church for another full day! Don't judge me...I'm just trying to be honest with you =) I was really just not up for another full day. I wanted to sleep in really bad! Plus, it was a beautiful day outside. I wanted to sleep in, fry up a couple of eggs, go and play some tennis, and just chilllllll. But, I didn't get to do those things. Now, can I continue to be honest with you??? Honestly speaking, I am glad I was not able to do those things and had to be at church.

Why? Because Mike and Terril Esposito's calling is so profound and apparent, that they inspired me to a point where all I could think about was the amazing things that God is going to have us do in Mexico in a couple of short weeks! The minute I walked in the building, I didn't feel tired anymore. I felt an excitement to gather with my team. The minute Mike started sharing and speaking the word of God, I was reminded of why God has called me to go on this trip. I was so inspired with what Mike had to share. I felt foolish for ever wanting to NOT attend the training. Mike led us in some team building exercises that were extremely helpful. We also did some scripture analysis that was crucial. It enabled us to really dig in, and explore how we make the words on the page sound less "Christianese" and more relevant and real to people who have never heard the gospel.

It is so apparent that Mr. Esposito is on fire for God still after all these tiring years of missions work. Surely, I can follow his example, and remember exactly why I am here and the privilege I have to be called by the Almighty to do something great!!


Sunday, March 21, 2010

I miss Mexico so much! Seriously, the whole atmosphere of the people and the culture completely took me off guard. I loved it. I mean, there were very sad things to see as with any nation but to see the innocence of the children and the curiosity they had (even adults) in accepting Jesus was so beautiful (: The closer we get to going I get this anxious feeling, but it's a good feeling because I'm excited to see the way God will show up in all of our lives...16 more days!


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hello! I can't believe we leave in less than three weeks! I didn't realize how close it was until just a couple of days ago. As we prepare for this trip I've been a little anxious for some reason, but I know God will be with us leading up to the trip and during the trip and continue to work in us afterward. Ever since I went on my first mission trip last year, I have had a special place in my heart for Mexico and all the people we met there. I cannot wait to go back. Thank you for all of your support and please continue to keep us in your prayers.


Friday, March 19, 2010

Less than 1 month before we leave. Please continue to keep us in you prayers as we make our final preparations. We have a full day of training on March 20th and we have to prepare some of our Drama's. Also keep us in prayers as we finalize all our funding. We are at about 75% of what we need. If you wish to help us reach our goal, then please click on the link to support us online.
Thanks for your prayers and support!

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