Tuesday, April 13, 2010

As always, God showed up. I am still processing everything but immediately I know of a few things that I am taking home with me. One is to give my life away. Give my life away, and let Jesus be my true sole pilot. I'm tired of trying to navigate through life on my own strength and knowledge. That's not how God intended for any of us to live when he created us. And if we truly call ourselves christians, we need to fully trust and have faith in God and know that the path he has laid before us is the right one.

Also, to be fearless. Step out on faith with every decision I make. Talk to the Lord for counsel and wait on him for my answer. Then, be fearless! Do what he is calling me to do despite what I feel I am capable of. All through scripture, God was calling normal average people to do extraordinary amazing things. The same is true for me.

Being here in Mexico has taught me these things. Our leader, Mike Esposito, made these points apparent to our whole team last night. What a man of God he is. It was such an inspiration to follow his lead this week. I will continue to follow his lead and take his advice as I make my way back to Maryland. God has been saying two words to me these past couple of months including during this trip..."Right now!" Now's the time. I pray my team is as on fire as I am! Buckle up!


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